In the Words of Our Amazing Partners

Beyond has outperformed our TMall Store and BorderFree shipping into China month over month.
VP of International, A Large
Department Store

A partner of Beyond since 2017, this merchant has seen steady growth as a result of Beyond's optimized shipping products and weekly content articles.

With Beyond, we haven't had to worry about China restriction on animal testing for beauty products. We now have a clean, on-brand channel to sell into China.
CMO, A California Based
Organic Beauty Brand

Demand for cruelty-free and organic beauty products has outpaced regulatory changes in China. Beyond has created an alternative channel to fill demand.

We saw large volumes of freight-forwarding traffic from China. We were burned too many times by charge-backs and had to shut these channels these channels down. Beyond has given us a safe alternative to re-engage the cross-border shoppers.
VP of Omnichannel, A Large
US Apparel Brand

By partnering with Beyond's influencer network and free China shipping initiatives, this brand has been able to enjoy steady growth with a non-promotional strategy.